Showing 336 posts related with c.
What's the best way to learn about Algorand?
This blog describes my journey to learning Algorand development and provides you with tips on how to get started building on Algorand.
An Algorand Blackjack implementation with Beaker
Blackjack is the most played casino bank card game in the world. We show an implementation of a smart contract that runs single-player blackjack games against the bank in Beaker.
Flash Loans on Algorand VM vs Ethereum VM
Have you ever wondered how Algorand feature set comes together to offer easy and convenient financial trades? Find out how it made flash loans easier!
Instant Finality - What makes Algorand stand among blockchains
Learn about Instant Finality, why it works and how it makes Algorand the best blockchain to develop on!
Unpredictable Randomness Thanks to Verifiable Random Functions
Ever wondered how VRFs are used in Algorand? Find out in this article!
Beginner · 1 hour
Working with ASA using Python
This tutorial demonstrates the steps involved in working with an Algorand Standard Asset (ASA) using the Python SDK.
Beginner · 15 minutes or less
Getting Started with the PureStake API Service
Get up-and-running on the Algorand network without needing to run your own node.
Intermediate · 30 minutes
Algorand serverless application on AWS Lambda
Learn how to develop and deploy Algorand serverless applications on AWS Lambda
Beginner · 1 hour
Working with ASA using Go
This tutorial demonstrates the steps involved in creating a basic Algorand Standard Asset using Go
Beginner · 1 hour
Working with ASA using Java
This tutorial demonstrates the steps involved in creating a basic Algorand Standard Asset using Java.
Beginner · 1 hour
Working with ASA Using JavaScript
This tutorial demonstrates the steps involved in creating a basic Algorand Standard Asset [(ASA)](https://developer.algorand.org/docs/features/asa/) using [JavaScript SDK](https://github.com/algorand/js-algorand-sdk).
Beginner · 15 minutes or less
Importing the PureStake API Endpoints into Postman
Easily access the PureStake API endpoints for Algorand from within Postman.
Intermediate · 30 minutes
Run Algorand Indexer using Azure Portal
This tutorial is a step by step guide on how to deploy and run an Algorand Indexer on Microsoft Azure using Azure Portal
Beginner · 15 minutes or less
Build your own Algo based store with Woocommerce and Andpay
Learn how quickly you can setup your first Algo based e-commerce store using Woocommerce and Andpay
Algorand Standard Assets
A conceptual overview of Algorand Standard Assets for developers.
Automating with the Mule Framework
Mule is a generalized automation framework for organizing the execution of defined automation in a declarative yaml format.
Updated PyTeal Resources
PyTeal, a language binding for TEAL, is a community project created to make writing Algorand Smart Contracts (ASC) easier. This article summarizes the latest resources available to start building Algorand Smart Contracts in Python.
TEAL ALGO Oracle in Algorand Layer-1
In a blockchain, the ability to reference a price on-chain enables a seamless and trustless transaction environment, especially for automated transactions and smart contracts. Oracles are the entities in charge of broadcasting off-chain data such as market price to the blockchain, and serve as a source of truth that allows on-chain dApps to measure the value of assets referenced within a transaction. Rand Labs and Borderless Capital releases a Algorand Oracle that can be referenced in atomic transfers using TEAL stateful and stateless smart contracts.