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Beginner · 15 minutes or less

Exploring the Algorand Sandbox

In this tutorial, you will explore the Algorand sandbox to get a deeper understanding of its functioning. The goal is to show you what information certain files contain, access the Docker containers and their files, or change network configurations. This tutorial complements the introduction tutorial for the sandbox created by Sam Abbassi. Make sure to follow the installation instructions in Sam’s tutorial to set up the Algorand sandbox.

Here’s an overview of what you will do:

  1. Start a default network
  2. Explore the sandnet-v1 genesis file inside the Algod container
  3. Explore configuration files
  4. Copy files into and outside the Algod container
  5. Use the TEAL debugger command tealdbg

Let’s get started!



Step 1: Start the Algorand sandbox with the default configuration

First, let’s make sure that your installation is working as expected. Therefore, start the node with the default configuration using the following command inside the sandbox folder.

./sandbox up

By default, the script will execute some commands like retrieving the node status. Here’s an overview of the node status:

goal node status

As you can see, the node contains only one committed block because this is a new Algorand network. Also, note that the Genesis ID points to an identifier called sandnet-v1. In the next step, you’ll explore this genesis file.

Besides the node status, it will print all active accounts using goal account list. You’ll find those accounts later in the genesis file.

[online]    T5SVL76GT3NCUPV3J7D4QCFCWFAGZO6CTPZGSU5SXPISOR55ESOWFL26MY  4000000000000000 microAlgos
[offline]   2XMFQ6F5DREAA5MEP7WTMY276YMQS4HOLSOIVEPUAZ3477G6KSLAR4267A  1000000000000000 microAlgos

Next, let’s explore the genesis.json file.

Step 2: Exploring the genesis.json file

Next, we want to retrieve the sandnet-v1 genesis file. Let’s learn how to enter a Docker container to explore the files inside the container, such as the genesis file and other configuration files. To do so, we have to tell the sandbox script to enter the Algod container. You can use the same command to enter other containers such as the indexer or indexer-db containers.

./sandbox enter algod

If you’re wondering how the enter command work, you can look at the sandbox executable in your editor. At line 292 in the script, you’ll find the implementation details of the command. The command requires you to pass a container name, and the container name must match one of the active container’s names. Furthermore, the script will use the docker exec command to open a Bash shell inside the container.

Now, let’s print all items inside the folder using the ls command.


You’ll get the following result.

Docker container files algod client

Let’s take a look at the genesis file.

cat genesis.json

This command will print the contents of the genesis file. It contains all accounts that the goal account list account has printed. On top of that, the network is named sandnet, and the id equals v1, which combined make up the genesis ID.

  "alloc": [
      "addr": "7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777774MSJUVU",
      "comment": "RewardsPool",
      "state": {
        "algo": 125000000000000,
        "onl": 2
      "comment": "FeeSink",
      "state": {
        "algo": 100000,
        "onl": 2
      "comment": "Wallet1",
      "state": {
        "algo": 1000000000000000,
        "onl": 1,
        "sel": "OMpQJpMuambHxQ9QIq31B4mOaXNcyLXMl9TpYu3KzWE=",
        "vote": "dLw/06AurPLaDWzLlwG5sUeqboFeQS3cFtZE+oL+Du8=",
        "voteKD": 100,
        "voteLst": 3000000
      "comment": "Wallet2",
      "state": {
        "algo": 4000000000000000,
        "onl": 1,
        "sel": "TL1+M4igP4jJVjVdqL4+tj6pDPHfiRoGBNPK38pPaXg=",
        "vote": "zmXZ8jodrv+UhKGYpqUQmadkJdCF57r/MMw4DsvHN2I=",
        "voteKD": 100,
        "voteLst": 3000000
      "comment": "Wallet3",
      "state": {
        "algo": 4000000000000000
      "comment": "Wallet4",
      "state": {
        "algo": 1000000000000000
  "id": "v1",
  "network": "sandnet",
  "proto": "",
  "rwd": "7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777774MSJUVU"

So, what else can we find?

Step 3: Looking up Algorand config

Interestingly, we can find other files besides the genesis file. Inspect the contents of the file using cat results in the following output.


This output refers to localhost:4001 which is the configured address to which the Algod API is exposed.

Alternatively, we can also inspect the algod.token file. It will print the authorization token for making requests to the Algod API.


However, we don’t have to look for this information inside our container. Take a look at the sandbox/docker-compose.yml file, which sets all these configuration parameters.

version: '3'

    container_name: "algorand-sandbox-algod"
      context: .
      dockerfile: ./images/algod/Dockerfile
        URL: "${ALGOD_URL}"
        SHA: "${ALGOD_SHA}"
        TEMPLATE: "${NETWORK_TEMPLATE:-/tmp/images/algod/template.json}"
        TOKEN: "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
        ALGOD_PORT: "4001"
        KMD_PORT: "4002"
      - 4001:4001
      - 4002:4002

Actually, we can use this information to query the Algod API and retrieve, for instance, the node status manually instead of using goal node status. It will print the same information as the info shown in the screenshot when starting the network for the first time.

curl localhost:4001/v1/status -H "X-Algo-API-Token: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

Cool, let’s try to set up a custom network using your own genesis.json file.

Step 4: Copying files into and from the sandbox

In order to copy a file into your sandbox, let’s create a simple TEAL file called fee.teal. This TEAL program will check if the transaction fee for a call to the stateless contract is equal to or less than 10,000 microAlgos. It’s a very simple demo contract that we will use in later steps to show the debugging functionality.

Make sure to create the fee.teal file inside your sandbox folder to keep things simple. Paste the below contents in this file.

#pragma version 4

// Demo contract to check for fee equal to or lower than 10000

txn Fee
int 10000

Good! Now, let’s copy this file to our debugger. We can use the copyTo command for this.

copyTo <file>   -> copy <file> into the algod. Useful for offline transactions, offline LogicSigs & TEAL work.

Here’s an example. If you placed the fee.teal file in a different folder, make sure to pass the absolute path to this file.

./sandbox copyTo "fee.teal"

This command will now make a copy of the fee.teal program and place it inside our algod container. Under the hood, the command uses the docker cp command.

docker cp "$1" "$(dc ps -q algod):/opt/data/$(basename $1)"

Now the file sits inside our Algod container at the following path /opt/<network>/Node. This also the default path you enter when using ./sandbox enter algod.

Ok, let’s generate a test transaction that we can use with our debugger. Let’s send a correct transaction with a fee of 9,999 which is below 10,000 microAlgos. We have to write the transaction to a file so we can later use it in our debugger with the -o flag. Also, we have to pass the --dryrun-dump flag to get the output in JSON format.

./sandbox goal clerk send -a 30000 --from-program fee.teal  -c <address>  -t <address> --fee 9999 -o fee.txn --dryrun-dump

./sandbox goal clerk send -a 30000 --from-program fee.teal  -c YQN5DM7MHVRNIWAH3JYDFWEYC6LDH7PAW35I5SL4TXBNEP3TREOOFMBXXI  -t YQN5DM7MHVRNIWAH3JYDFWEYC6LDH7PAW35I5SL4TXBNEP3TREOOFMBXXI --fee 9999 -o fee.txn --dryrun-dump

To show you how to retrieve this file, let’s copy it to our local machine from the container using copyFrom.

./sandbox copyFrom fee.txn

Lastly, let’s use this file with the debugger. We can do it like this

./sandbox tealdbg debug fee.teal -d fee.txn

This will spin up a websocket connection which you can use with your Chrome DevTools.

tealdbg debug command called without --listen option therefore sandbox attached the option automatically!
2021/10/02 15:06:12 Using proto:
2021/10/02 15:06:12 Run mode: logicsig
2021/10/02 15:06:12 ------------------------------------------------
2021/10/02 15:06:12 CDT debugger listening on: ws://
2021/10/02 15:06:12 Or open in Chrome:
2021/10/02 15:06:12 devtools://devtools/bundled/js_app.html?experiments=true&v8only=false&ws=
2021/10/02 15:06:12 ------------------------------------------------

The -d option expects a dry-run transaction to be passed. Therefore, we can pass the fee.txn file which sits inside our Algod container.

You can learn more about debugging specifically by following this tutorial. It will explain how you can debug your TEAL program using the tealdbg CLI tool.

That’s it!