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Algorand QR Code Generator


Introducing algorand-qrcode a comprehensive JavaScript module with a complete set of tools to generate an standard Algorand URI (RFC 3986) and QR code, exportable to SVG, PNG and UTF8. Exportable output to File, UTF8 text string and DataURL. Works in Terminal, Node and modern browsers. Contains full set of examples including API server, static server and web form QR generator. Includes a full featured CLI to generate QR codes in terminal or create image files on the fly.
QR Generator CLI example

Technical Notes

  • Algorand URI reference specification: Algorand payment prompts specification.
  • Requires NodeJS version later than 10.
  • Since all the texts for Algorand URI fields are HTML Escaped and then RFC 3986 encoded, for label, note and xnote fields to deliver correct content after getting scanned by Algorand Wallet QR Scanner, either reading of HTML escaped string support should be added to Algorand Wallet QR scanner feature or their team inform this library’s Author to remove the escaping feature from this code base.
  • This library will closely follow Algorand’s URI specification document drafts and published versions closely as well as Algorand Wallet QR Scanner feature to match and adopt new features, specification requirements and extensions.

Table of Contents


QR Generator CLI example
QR Generation express API example
QR Generation node example
QR Generator web form example


  • This library can be built for browser, be imported or required in NodeJS or directly used in terminal.
  • Supports RFC 3986 and Algorand URI ABNF Grammar.
  • Automatically escapes label, note and xnote fields (This feature may be subject to change or deprecation).
  • CLI utility and rendering.
  • QR Error Correction Levels.
  • Save QR code as image (SVG, PNG and JPEG).
  • Support for foreground and background color configuration.
  • Support for Chinese, Cyrillic, Greek and Japanese characters in transaction label, note and xnote fields.
  • Auto generates optimized segments for best data compression and smallest QR Code size.
  • Generated QR Codes by definition are App agnostic.

Algorand URI ABNF Grammar

    algorandurn     = "algorand://" algorandaddress [ "?" algorandparams ]
    algorandaddress = *base32
    algorandparams  = algorandparam [ "&" algorandparams ]
    algorandparam   = [ amountparam / labelparam / noteparam / assetparam / otherparam ]
    amountparam     = "amount=" *digit
    labelparam      = "label=" *qchar
    assetparam      = "asset=" *digit
    noteparam       = (xnote | note)
    xnote           = "xnote=" *qchar
    note            = "note=" *qchar


Inside your project folder do:

npm install --save algorand-qrcode

and then

cd bin && node qrcode

or, install it globally to use qrcode from the command line to save Algorand URI qrcode images or generate ones to render in your terminal or browser if that’s your usage.

npm install -g algorand-qrcode

and then

qrcode [options]



Usage: qrcode [options]

Algorand switch:
  -x, --xnote Expects "xnote" instead of "note" for Algorand URI       [boolean]

Algorand options:
  -a, --amount Amount (in Micro Algos) of Algorand transaction          [number]
  -l, --label Label of Algorand transaction                             [string]
  -s, --asset Algorand asset id (in case of Algorand ASA transfer)      [string]
  -n, --note note/xnote (depends on -a | --xnote switch)                [string]
  -d, --dest Destination Wallet address (Algorand account address)      [string]

QR Code options:
  -v, --qversion  QR Code symbol version (1 - 40)                       [number]
  -e, --error     Error correction level           [choices: "L", "M", "Q", "H"]
  -m, --mask      Mask pattern (0 - 7)                                  [number]

Renderer options (Some only work with File renderer):
  -t, --type        Output type                  [choices: "png", "svg", "utf8"]
  -w, --width       Image width (px)                                    [number]
  -r, --ratio       Scale ratio factor                                  [number]
  -q, --qzone       Quiet zone size                                     [number]
  -b, --background  Light RGBA hex color
  -f, --foreground   Dark RGBA hex color
  -p, --puny  Output smaller QR code to terminal                       [boolean]
  -i, --inverse  Invert foreground and background colors               [boolean]

  -o, --output  Output file
  -h, --help    Show help                                              [boolean]
  --version     Show version number                                    [boolean]

    - Draw in terminal window:
    node qrcode -d "LP6QRRBRDTDSP4HF7CSPWJV4AG4QWE437OYHGW7K5Y7DETKCSK5H3HCA7Q" -a 1000000 -l "Coffee" -s 45 -n "This is a test transaction for Algorand QR Code generator" -p
    - Save as png image:
    node qrcode -d "LP6QRRBRDTDSP4HF7CSPWJV4AG4QWE437OYHGW7K5Y7DETKCSK5H3HCA7Q" -o algorandQR.png -a 1000000 -l "Coffee" -s 45 -n "This is a test transaction for Algorand QR Code generator"
    - Use red as foreground color:
    node qrcode -d "LP6QRRBRDTDSP4HF7CSPWJV4AG4QWE437OYHGW7K5Y7DETKCSK5H3HCA7Q" -f F00 -o algorandQR.png -a 1000000 -l "Coffee" -s 45 -x -n "This is a test transaction for Algorand QR Code generator"

If not specified, output type is guessed from file extension.
Recognized extensions are png, svg and txt.


algorand-qrcode can be used in browser through including the pre-compiled bundle present in build/ folder after running npm install && npm run build in root directory.

// index.js -> bundle.js
var QRCode = require('algorand-qrcode')
var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas')

QRCode.toCanvas(canvas, {wallet:"LP6QRRBRDTDSP4HF7CSPWJV4AG4QWE437OYHGW7K5Y7DETKCSK5H3HCA7Q", label:"[email protected]"}, function (error) {
  if (error) console.error(error)

Pre-compiled bundle

<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>

<script src="/build/qrcode.js"></script>
  QRCode.toCanvas(document.getElementById('canvas'), {wallet:"LP6QRRBRDTDSP4HF7CSPWJV4AG4QWE437OYHGW7K5Y7DETKCSK5H3HCA7Q", label:"[email protected]"}, function (error) {
    if (error) console.error(error)

If you install and use as a package through npm, then pre-compiled files will be available in node_modules/algorand-qrcode/build/ folder.

The pre-compiled bundle have support for Internet Explorer 10+, Safari 5.1+, and all evergreen browsers.


Require the module algorand-qrcode

var QRCode = require('algorand-qrcode')

QRCode.toDataURL({wallet:"LP6QRRBRDTDSP4HF7CSPWJV4AG4QWE437OYHGW7K5Y7DETKCSK5H3HCA7Q", label:"[email protected]"}, function (err, url) {

render a qrcode for the terminal

var QRCode = require('algorand-qrcode')

QRCode.toString({type:'terminal',wallet:"LP6QRRBRDTDSP4HF7CSPWJV4AG4QWE437OYHGW7K5Y7DETKCSK5H3HCA7Q", label:"[email protected]"}, function (err, url) {


Promises and Async/Await can be used in place of callback function.

import * as QRCode from 'algorand-qrcode'
// With promises
QRCode.toDataURL({wallet:"AMESZ5UX7ZJL5M6GYEHXM63OMFCPOJ23UXCQ6CVTI2HVX6WUELYIY262WI", label:"[email protected]"})
  .then(({ dataUrl, alrorandURI }) => {
  .catch(err => {
// With async/await
const generateQR = async () => {
  try {
    console.log(await QRCode.toDataURL({wallet:"AMESZ5UX7ZJL5M6GYEHXM63OMFCPOJ23UXCQ6CVTI2HVX6WUELYIY262WI", label:"[email protected]"}))
  } catch (err) {

Error correction level

Error correction capability allows to successfully scan a QR Code even if the symbol is dirty or damaged. Four levels are available to choose according to the operating environment.

Higher levels offer a better error resistance but reduce the symbol’s capacity.

If the chances that the QR Code symbol may be corrupted are low (for example if it is showed through a monitor) is possible to safely use a low error level such as Low or Medium.

Possible levels are shown below:

Level Error resistance
L (Low) ~7%
M (Medium) ~15%
Q (Quartile) ~25%
H (High) ~30%

The percentage indicates the maximum amount of damaged surface after which the symbol becomes unreadable.

Error level can be set through options.errorCorrectionLevel property.

If not specified, the default value is M.

QRCode.toDataURL({wallet:"LP6QRRBRDTDSP4HF7CSPWJV4AG4QWE437OYHGW7K5Y7DETKCSK5H3HCA7Q", label:"[email protected]", errorCorrectionLevel: 'H'}, function (err, url) {




Browser API


Creates QR Code symbol and returns a qrcode object.


See QR Code options.
See Algorand URI options.


Type: Object

// QRCode object
  modules,              // Bitmatrix class with modules data
  version,              // Calculated QR Code version
  errorCorrectionLevel, // Error Correction Level
  maskPattern,          // Calculated Mask pattern
  segments              // Generated segments

toCanvas(canvasElement, [options], [cb(error)])

toCanvas([options], [cb(error, canvas)])

Draws qr code symbol to canvas.
If canvasElement is omitted a new canvas is returned.


Type: DOMElement

Canvas where to draw QR Code.


See All Options.
See Algorand URI options.


Type: Function

Callback function called on finish.


QRCode.toCanvas({wallet:"LP6QRRBRDTDSP4HF7CSPWJV4AG4QWE437OYHGW7K5Y7DETKCSK5H3HCA7Q", label:"[email protected]"}, function (err, canvas) {
  if (err) throw err

  var container = document.getElementById('container')

toDataURL([options], [cb(error, url)])

toDataURL(canvasElement, [options], [cb(error, url)])

Returns a Data URI containing a representation of the QR Code image. If provided, canvasElement will be used as canvas to generate the data URI.


Type: DOMElement

Canvas where to draw QR Code.

  • type

    Type: String
    Default: image/png

Data URI format.
Possible values are: image/png, image/jpeg, image/webp.

  • rendererOpts.quality

    Type: Number
    Default: 0.92

A Number between 0 and 1 indicating image quality if the requested type is image/jpeg or image/webp.

See All Options.
See Algorand URI options.


Type: Function

Callback function called on finish.


var opts = {
  label:"[email protected]",
  errorCorrectionLevel: 'H',
  type: 'image/jpeg',
  quality: 0.3,
  margin: 1,
  color: {

QRCode.toDataURL(opts, function (err, url) {
  if (err) throw err

  var img = document.getElementById('image')
  img.src = url

toString([options], [cb(error, string)])

Returns a string representation of the QR Code.

  • type

    Type: String
    Default: utf8

Output format.
Possible values are: terminal,utf8, and svg.

See All Options.
See Algorand URI options.


Type: Function

Callback function called on finish.


QRCode.toString({wallet:"LP6QRRBRDTDSP4HF7CSPWJV4AG4QWE437OYHGW7K5Y7DETKCSK5H3HCA7Q", label:"[email protected]"}, function (err, string) {
  if (err) throw err

Server API


See create.
See Algorand URI options.

toCanvas(canvas, [options], [cb(error)])

Draws qr code symbol to node canvas.


See All Options.
See Algorand URI options.


Type: Function

Callback function called on finish.

toDataURL([options], [cb(error, url)])

Returns a Data URI containing a representation of the QR Code image.
Only works with image/png type for now.


See All Options.
See Algorand URI options.


Type: Function

Callback function called on finish.

toString([options], [cb(error, string)])

Returns a string representation of the QR Code.
If choosen output format is svg it will returns a string containing xml code.


Type: String
Default: utf8

Output format.
Possible values are: utf8, svg, terminal.

See All Options.
See Algorand URI options.


Type: Function

Callback function called on finish.


QRCode.toString({wallet:"LP6QRRBRDTDSP4HF7CSPWJV4AG4QWE437OYHGW7K5Y7DETKCSK5H3HCA7Q", label:"[email protected]", type: 'utf8'}, function (err, string) {
  if (err) throw err

toFile(path, [options], [cb(error)])

Saves QR Code to image file.

If options.type is not specified, the format will be guessed from file extension. Recognized extensions are png, svg, txt.


Type: String

Path where to save the file.

  • type

    Type: String
    Default: png

Output format.
Possible values are: png, svg, utf8.

  • rendererOpts.deflateLevel (png only)

    Type: Number
    Default: 9

Compression level for deflate.

  • rendererOpts.deflateStrategy (png only)

    Type: Number
    Default: 3

Compression strategy for deflate.

See All Options.
See Algorand URI options.


Type: Function

Callback function called on finish.


QRCode.toFile('path/to/filename.png', {
  label:"[email protected]",
  color: {
    dark: '#00F',  // Blue dots
    light: '#0000' // Transparent background
}, function (err) {
  if (err) throw err

toFileStream(stream, [options])

Writes QR Code image to stream. Only works with png format for now.


Type: stream.Writable

Node stream.


See All Options.
See Algorand URI options.

All Options

QR Code options


Type: Number

QR Code version. If not specified the more suitable value will be calculated.


Type: String
Default: M

Error correction level.
Possible values are low, medium, quartile, high or L, M, Q, H.


Type: Number

Mask pattern used to mask the symbol.
Possible values are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
If not specified the more suitable value will be calculated.

Algorand URI options


Type: Boolean

Specifies if the xnote or note field is used for Algorand URI construction.


Type: Number

Amount of Algorand transaction in MicroAlgos or Standard Asset Unit.


Type: String

Label of Algorand transaction.


Type: String

Asset Id of Algorand transaction if used. If not specified Algo will be used as payment token.


Type: String

note or xnote field content of Algorand transaction. The xnote option determines the name of the field with this content to be passed as note or xnote (Only one of note or xnote can be present on a single Algorand URI), for more information read Algorand payment prompts specification.

Renderer options


Type: Number
Default: 4

Define how much wide the quiet zone should be.


Type: Number
Default: 4

Scale factor. A value of 1 means 1px per modules (black dots).


Type: Boolean
Default: false

Relevant only for terminal renderer. Outputs smaller QR code.


Type: Number

Forces a specific width for the output image.
If width is too small to contain the qr symbol, this option will be ignored.
Takes precedence over scale.


Type: String
Default: #000000ff

Color of dark module. Value must be in hex format (RGBA).
Note: dark color should always be darker than color.light.


Type: String
Default: #ffffffff

Color of light module. Value must be in hex format (RGBA).

GS1 QR Codes

What defines a GS1 qrcode is a header with metadata that describes your gs1 information.
(Coming soon…)




Special appreciations to Sheghzo.

This repository uses and appreciates great open source software and code by forking, extention and integration of:
- node-qrcode
- escape-html
- encodeurl
- The idea for this lib was inspired by Payment Prompts with Algorand Mobile Wallet authored by Jason Paulos.