Showing 213 posts related with java.
Getting Started with Developing Android Apps on the Algorand Platform Using java-algorand-sdk
This tutorial explains how to get started developing android apps that use the java-algorand-sdk
LimitOrder Contract with Java
A walkthrough example of how to use a limit order contract with Java.
How to use Multisignature Transactions in Java
This tutorial covers how to sign and send transactions from a multisignature account using the Algorand Java SDK
Hash Time Lock Contract Template With Java
Build a Smart Contract that functions as a HTLC using Java
Split Contract Template with Java
An example walkthrough of the Split Contract Template in Java
Creating a Java Transaction with the PureStake API
Learn to create a transaction and send it programmatically.
Locating a Transaction using the Archiver/Indexer with Java
Locating a Transaction using the Archiver/Indexer with Java
Using Java Algorand SDK with Spring Boot
This tutorial shows how to leverage the Spring Boot's features to make Algorand programming easier to get started for the experience Spring developers.
Using VS Code with Java
This tutorial will facilitate how to debug using Visual Studio (VS) Code using Java
Create an Account on TestNet using Java
Create an Account on TestNet with Java
Setting the Transaction Fee in Java
Setting Transaction Fee with Java
Read and Write to the Transaction Note Field with Java
Example Java to read and write into the note field.
Working with ASA using Java
This tutorial demonstrates the steps involved in creating a basic Algorand Standard Asset using Java.
Ecommerce Payments Using PHP/Javascript
Allow users to pay for online goods using Algorand assets at the checkout terminal.
Integrate AlgoSigner to JavaScript Application on Algorand
This solution contains several examples of different ways to use the Algorand JavaScript SDK, including sending transactions, creating atomic transfers, and interacting with Smart Contracts.
Locating a Transaction using the Archiver/Indexer with JavaScript
Locating a Transaction using the Archiver/Indexer with JavaScript
Setting the Transaction Fee in JavaScript
Setting Transaction Fee with Javascipt
Working with ASA Using JavaScript
This tutorial demonstrates the steps involved in creating a basic Algorand Standard Asset [(ASA)]( using [JavaScript SDK](