Showing 182 posts related with keys.
Code Upgradeability Made Easy with the Algorand VM
Algorand native code upgradeability makes life much more convenient. What would have to happen if that feature didn't exist? Take a deep look!
Unpredictable Randomness Thanks to Verifiable Random Functions
Ever wondered how VRFs are used in Algorand? Find out in this article!
Smart sensor demo unit with Algorand data notarization: leveraging AlgoIoT library by GT50
Working with ASA using Python
This tutorial demonstrates the steps involved in working with an Algorand Standard Asset (ASA) using the Python SDK.
Deploying a bet dApp powered by Beaker
In this tutorial you will deploy a bet dApp, named AlgoBet. You will setup an Algorand sandbox, compile the AlgoBet smart contract and instantiate it on the testnet. Finally, you will be able to interact with the deployed decentralized bet system.
Deploying Sandbox to a Linux VM in Azure
This tutorial demonstrates how to deploy a Sandbox development environment to a linux virtual machine in Azure. It tackles in great detail how to navigate Azure, but also provides an easy-to-use template for those with Azure experience.
Create A Private Instance of Algorand In A Testbed
This tutorial demonstrates the steps involved in creating a fully private instance of Algorand in a testbed with three independent VMs.
Getting Started with the PureStake API Service
Get up-and-running on the Algorand network without needing to run your own node.
Using PureStake API with Algo Builder
In this tutorial we present how to use PureStake API (algodv2 and indexer) within `algob` projects.
Hash Time Lock Contract Template With Go
Build a Smart Contract that functions as a HTLC using Go
Algorand serverless application on AWS Lambda
Learn how to develop and deploy Algorand serverless applications on AWS Lambda
LimitOrder Contract with Go
A walkthrough example of how to use a limit order contract with Go.
Build Algorand Android Smart Contract using Kotlin
This tutorial is targeted at beginners and intermediate Algorand developers who primarily develop Android Applications using Kotlin. The tutorial will also be beneficial to Java Android Developers as both languages have a lot in common.
Algorand Studio | Tutorial 3: Smart Contract Limit Order
Introduce the Algorand Standard Asset (ASA) model and work through the LimitOrder smart contract to learn issuing your own ASA & using the smart contract to exchange ALGO for an ASA.
Hybrid Online / Offline Shared Management of Community ASA through Multisig Account
In this tutorial you will learn how to share the management of a “Community Membership ASA” among the Community Board members with a Multisignature Account using a hybrid Online / Offline approach
Track 65,000 Tickets - Arrays in Algorand
Learn how to create, update and read arrays in Algorand. We will utilize key-value pairs, bytes, and bits to persistently store almost 65,000 elements in a single smart contract.
Siam - Managing Global Application State
With Siam, you can operate a small key-value store on the Algorand blockchain with minimal configuration. You can start publishing real-world data to the blockchain and write your own oracle.
Creating a Java Transaction with the PureStake API
Learn to create a transaction and send it programmatically.