Algorand SDK
Showing 200 posts related with Algorand SDK.
Creating an Algorand Node on Microsoft Azure
In this tutorial we will create an Algorand node on Microsoft Azure.
Algorand Standard Assets
A conceptual overview of Algorand Standard Assets for developers.
Algorand Atomic Transfers
A conceptual overview of Algorand Atomic Transfers for developers.
Verify Signatures and Signed Data within Algorand Smart Contracts
This article explains how to use the ed25519verify opcode in conjunction with the tealsign goal command.
Smart Contract SDK Usage Updated to V2
The feature guide for accessing a TEAL program from an SDK is updated for V2. This guide contains SDK samples using TEAL programs with contract accounts or delegated signatures.
SDK Updates: Deploying Stateful Smart Contracts
Guided tour of SDK documentation focusing on stateful smart contract application development. Links to resources covering the basics thru building complete solutions.
Introducing Algorand’s Smart Contract Debugger
This article announces the release of the Teal Debugger.
Encode Algorand Club Recap
Recap of the Encode Algorand Club pre-accelerator and describes the projects built by each participating team.
Building NFTs on Algorand
This article summarizes some of the options available to developers when building NFTs on the Algorand Blockchain.
Contract to Contract calls and an ABI come to Algorand
This article summarizes many of the features available within the Algorand Virtual Machine (AVM) 1.1 Release.
Algorand Unlimited Assets and Smart Contracts
This article details the changes made to both the Algorand Algod (3.5.1) and Indexer (2.10.0) processes. This includes removing limits on Assets and Contracts that can be created or optioned into.
Automated testing for Algorand smart contracts - Part 1
A three part series on automated testing for your TEAL smart contracts
Developer Improvements in go-algorand 3.16
go-algorand 3.16 introduces several noteworthy useful improvements for developers. We highlight and explain them here.
FDA Recalls Application
This application stores FDA recall data on Algorand’s blockchain and then uses Algorand's indexer to locate the FDA recall data.
Desktop Algorand App
In this tutorial, we will learn how to interact with the Algorand network to create a Windows Application that can be used to create account addresses and mnemonic keys, fund the account, and also check the address account balance.
Algorand Blockchain Development using Reach Part 1
The future is bright for Algorand and Algorand Blockchain Developers. Tools like Reach are going to be the forefront of CrossChain / MultiChain development.
Create a Mobile App (Android/iOS) using Xamarin Forms
Create a Mobile Application enabling you to interact with the Algorand blockchain.
Algorand Blockchain Development using Reach Part 3 Bets - Wagers
In this tutorial, we add in both wagering and payouts to the winner of our Rock Paper Scissors Algorand blockchain game. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a full featured game allowing wager, provably fair outcomes and payouts to the winner.