Showing 324 posts related with nft.
Algorand Blockchain Development using Reach Part 1
The future is bright for Algorand and Algorand Blockchain Developers. Tools like Reach are going to be the forefront of CrossChain / MultiChain development.
LimitOrder Contract with Go
A walkthrough example of how to use a limit order contract with Go.
Creating Transactions from Spreadsheets
This tutorial looks at how to create different Algorand transactions from an imported excel sheet.
Getting Started with Developing Android Apps on the Algorand Platform Using java-algorand-sdk
This tutorial explains how to get started developing android apps that use the java-algorand-sdk
Setting the Transaction Fee with Python
Setting Transaction Fee with Python
How to use Multisignature Transactions in Java
This tutorial covers how to sign and send transactions from a multisignature account using the Algorand Java SDK
Algorand BSN Portal - Getting Started
“Participating in the BSN International provides a cost effective and stable infrastructure for developers and enterprises to build on Algorand." - Fangfang Chen, Chief Operating Officer at Algorand Foundation
Algo Builder Tutorial Part 4: Testing Smart Contracts
In this tutorial we present how `algob` helps the developers to test their smart contracts effectively.
Hash Time Lock Contract Template With Java
Build a Smart Contract that functions as a HTLC using Java
Create your Own Coin on TestNet (LaylaCoin Series)
Learn how to create, opt-in, transfer, and read balances of an asset on TestNet.
Using VS Code with Java
This tutorial will facilitate how to debug using Visual Studio (VS) Code using Java
LimitOrder Contract with Java
A walkthrough example of how to use a limit order contract with Java.
Siam - Managing Global Application State
With Siam, you can operate a small key-value store on the Algorand blockchain with minimal configuration. You can start publishing real-world data to the blockchain and write your own oracle.
Deploying a Scheduling Service for Automated Payments
Deploy an automated payment system for scheduled payments using the Hangfire - .Net Library on the Algorand Network to make our background tasks and jobs easier for payments.
Algorand Blockchain Development using Reach - Part 6: Looping to Determine the Winner
In this tutorial, we explore loops in Reach. As dApp developers must take special care when performing loops within a consensus network. Thankfully, the Reach verification engine assures we write safe dApps.
Simple NPC game interactions using a stateful contract and atomic transfers
This tutorial will show you how to create a simple NPC game character using a stateful contract and atomic transfers. We'll also test it using the `goal` command line tool.
Create an Account on TestNet and Send Your First Transaction using C#
This tutorial demonstrates the steps involved in creating a basic Standalone Algorand Account using the Community Algorand .NET SDK and funding it using the Algorand Testnet Faucet. The tutorial also covers send a payment transaction between two accounts.
Hash Time Lock Contract Template With JavaScript
Build a Smart Contract that functions as a HTLC using JavaScript