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AlgoKit Task Asset opt-(in|out)

AlgoKit Task Asset opt-(in|out) allows you to opt-in or opt-out of Algorand Asset(s). This task supports single or multiple assets.


Available commands and possible usage as follows:


Usage: algokit task opt-in [OPTIONS] ASSET_IDS...

  Opt-in to an asset(s). This is required before you can receive an asset.
  Use -n to specify localnet, testnet, or mainnet. To supply multiple asset IDs, separate them with a whitespace.

  --account, -a TEXT  Address or alias of the signer account.  [required]
  -n, --network [localnet|testnet|mainnet]
                      Network to use. Refers to `localnet` by default.


Usage: algokit task opt-out [OPTIONS] [ASSET_IDS]...

  Opt-out of an asset(s). You can only opt out of an asset with a zero balance.
  Use -n to specify localnet, testnet, or mainnet. To supply multiple asset IDs, separate them with a whitespace.

  --account, -a TEXT  Address or alias of the signer account.  [required]
  --all                Opt-out of all assets with zero balance.
  -n, --network [localnet|testnet|mainnet]
                      Network to use. Refers to `localnet` by default.


  • ASSET_IDS: Specifies the asset IDs to opt-in or opt-out. To supply multiple asset IDs, separate them with a whitespace.
  • --account, -a TEXT: Specifies the address or alias of the signer account. This option is required.
  • --all: Specifies to opt-out of all assets with zero balance.
  • -n, --network [localnet|testnet|mainnet]: Specifies the network to use. Refers to localnet by default.



To opt-in to an asset(s), you can use the opt-in command as follows:

$ algokit task opt-in --account {YOUR_ACCOUNT} {ASSET_ID_1} {ASSET_ID_2} {ASSET_ID_3} ...

To opt-out of an asset(s), you can use the opt-out command as follows:

$ algokit task opt-out --account {YOUR_ACCOUNT} {ASSET_ID_1} {ASSET_ID_2} ...

To opt-out of all assets with zero balance, you can use the opt-out command with the --all flag:

$ algokit task opt-out --account {YOUR_ACCOUNT} --all

Please note, the account must have sufficient balance to cover the transaction fees.

Further Reading

For in-depth details, visit the opt-in and opt-out sections in the AlgoKit CLI reference documentation.