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goal clerk rawsend

goal clerk rawsend

Send raw transactions


Send raw transactions. The transactions must be stored in a file, encoded using msgpack as transactions.SignedTxn. Multiple transactions can be concatenated together in a file.

goal clerk rawsend [flags]


  -f, --filename string   Filename of file containing raw transactions

  -h, --help              help for rawsend

  -N, --no-wait           Don't wait for transactions to commit

  -r, --rejects string    Filename for writing rejects to (default is txFilename.rej)

Options inherited from parent commands

  -d, --datadir stringArray   Data directory for the node

  -k, --kmddir string         Data directory for kmd

  -w, --wallet string         Set the wallet to be used for the selected operation


  • goal clerk - Provides the tools to control transactions